Five Important Steps for Hiring the Right People–All the Time

Five Important Steps for Hiring the Right People–All the Time


Hiring someone is a big commitment on both sides. When you make a commitment to hire someone, you’re banking (literally) that this person will work out. Otherwise, you will be spending money on more training, or on repeating the advertising and hiring process. The potential staff member is also choosing to work for your organization, not another one. While this might motivate them to do their best, you’re still out of luck if their best just isn’t good enough—and it could be depressing for those who have to work with that person, too.

So how do you avoid the costly mistake of hiring the wrong person? You need to have a plan, and you need to follow it carefully. With that in mind, here are 5 steps to hiring the right people all the time:

  1. Make sure the job description is clearly defined. We’re not necessarily talking about what shift they will work or how many years of experience they’ve had, although those are factors to take into account. Instead, we’re talking about whether they have the skills and the training to do the work that you need done. Whether we’re talking about a technician who can handle the particular type of HVAC system you have installed, or an accountant with experience in the computer program you’re using, it’s important to make sure the job description clearly details what you need.
  2. Use an appropriate screening process. Yes, people can fudge the truth on their resumes. You will want to make sure that the resume matches the job description, and you will also want to give them a call to make sure that they can “talk the talk.”
  3. Take advantage of the interview opportunity. When the applicant comes to interview in person, don’t just sit in a room and talk with them—although it’s important to make sure that they do talk with some of their future team members to make sure they will get along. Also take them out on the floor and give them a chance to prove that they can do what they’re applying to do.
  4. Watch their reactions. Are they interested in and excited about the chance to work with you? Do they ask relevant questions, or do they seem clueless? If they’re catching on quickly, and appear motivated, your chances of success are much higher.
  5. Always follow the plan. No matter how much John pleads with you to hire his cousin, don’t do it until you’ve made the cousin follow all these steps. This way you’ll make sure that John’s cousin—or anyone else—really is a good fit for the job, and your organization.

To learn more about this plan or get other hiring questions answered, contact us today.