“When you are inspired to be & do your best, you find everything is right in your world. Your influence is operating at its highest level & it is the time to influence others in gratitude.” – Tony Ten Fingers Wanbli Nata’u Oglala Lakota

PeopleChamps Tribal Development Programs

As a tribal casino, your needs are unique. PeopleChamps helps you and your employees navigate the organizational structure of a tribal casino. Your family is part of your business and we understand that aspect of your organization. We also understand how to grow a tribal casino and focus on creating a work environment that supports growth.

We have created this division specifically to serve the tribal market and assist with becoming more competitive and profitable. Depending on your specific needs, we recommend custom solutions for you. Do you feel confident that you’re ready for the next ten years? Let us design an organizational development plan with you. Our programs develop your tribal members for the purpose of succession. In addition, we provide career- specific training to you and your family members so that the casino can thrive. This includes training new executives and working on a cohesive plan for an executive team.

Contact us for a consultation. Based on our assessment we may travel to your property to evaluate your unique situation. PeopleChamps will help you grow your business, giving you the tools you need to thrive.

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We Offer

Career Development Program
We will provide to your Tribal Members a wealth of information including clarification of career questions and a plan for attainable career goals within your organization and your government. We will develop an individualized training plan for every trainee as well as criteria for success. This program focuses on entry level to manager level positions.
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Succession Planning
We will design a program that trains your Tribal Members for Director positions and above ensuring a seamless transition for your organization and government.
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STEP (Specialized Tribal Educational Program)
We will design and develop (developmentally appropriate) job descriptions, standards and procedures, competencies and training plans for each position in your organization’s to be used with Tribal Members who aspire to work in the family businesses.
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TBAB (Tribal Business Advisory Board)
We will develop a specialized 12 to 18 month program of comprehensive training focusing on the operation of the Tribal businesses.
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Our Services


Executive Recruitment & Placement Services


Mentoring & Coaching Services


Guest Speaker Services


Organizational Development, HR & Training


New Business Development & Investment Opportunities


Tribal Development Programs


Casino & Resort Operations & Marketing


Job Board